Our Products
What We Offer
Independent Dealers Offer More Log Home Product Choices
As an indepedent log home dealer, we offer our clients more choices regarding the log home product and style they want for their home. We don't work for one log home manufacturer -- we work for our customers! Our goal is to combine your taste, style and budget, and then use that information to find the perfect log home product to meet your needs.
We've built log homes for people like you. We've touched the wood. We've stacked the logs. We've seen dreams become reality. We know you want the best product for your budget, so put our experience to work for you!
We are continually developing relationships with leading log home manufacturers in the industry. The information below includes details from some of these manufacturers.
Sierra Log Homes
(established in 1994) is a company that has grown over the years to become California’s premier log home company and the west coast’s only full-line log home producer. All wall logs are TPI 53 certified. Sierra has also evolved into successfully establishing three distinct divisions: log home manufacturing, 3D design & engineering and materials packaging.
View the Sierra Log Homes catalog online!
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“We believe that by controlling design, production and packaging, we can provide our clients with the flexibility to utilize our services and products in the manner that best serves them and to provide those services in a format that eliminates stress and anxiety.”
Quality and beauty is the focus of what Sierra produces and designs…but personal service is the foundation of the company…our credo: “It’s all about the client!”
What Makes Sierra Stand Out?
Sierra has developed many unique and proprietary methods and products. Many of these were developed by actually being involved with the building of the log homes. The following is a list of some very important features that Sierra brings to the market of which some are proudly proprietary:
“Sierra Smart Cut” (proprietary) – designed to increase the speed of wall stacking, decrease log waste, decrease butt joints, increase efficiency and decrease costs. This was a major hit with the contractors and is probably the most effective cut method in the industry.
Jumbo 13” Swedish Cope Log (proprietary) – the only 12” stacking height log in the market. Designed to compete against handcrafted log homes using big logs. The ease of wall building, coupled with our “Smart Cut” became the most sought after log in the market. The look is bold, beautiful and becomes very unique when complimented with natural log posts, ridges and purlins
Big Swedish Cope Cedar Logs (proprietary) – we are the only company in North America that offers a Cedar log option for all of our log & siding profiles from 6x8 to our Jumbo 13” log and we are the only company that can produce large Cedar milled logs with a “NO BUTT JOINT OPTION”. Probably the most beautiful milled log wall you will ever experience!
NO BUTT JOINT Log Walls – if your desire is to have a no exposed BUTT JOINT log wall…you have come to the right place. Sierra is one of only a couple of companies in the market that can make logs long enough to do this.
Largest Choice of Logs and Log Sidings in the Market – to have the ability to choose from whatever style of log and/or siding you want and having it available from one producer is a major piece of mind. Sierra prides itself with the largest array of log & timber sidings such as our T&G full radius log siding from 8” to 13”.
Natural Log Inventory – Sierra not only produces milled logs but crafts natural log parts for many applications: posts, beams, stairs, trusses, décor etc.
3D Photo Realistic Design – we have been found 3D photo realistic design techniques to be a cost effective design & structural tool. Sierra stands alone in its concept of how the 3D model is used. The market uses 3D images to render the finished design…Sierra uses the 3D model as a design tool to allow the client to change and evolve the home visually. This technique enables the client to get exactly what they want before it is engineered. This is an amazing process that ultimately saves thousands of dollars at the time of the build.
Full “In-House” Design & Nationwide Engineering Service – we created the Sierra Design group to service our nationwide clientele’s need for good intelligent design. Service includes 3D photo realistic modeling, full architectural & structural drafting, energy compliancy and structural engineering. For our California & west coast clients…no other company does it better & more completely…simply stated, we understand how to get the building permit!
Personal Service & Good Communication – everybody talks about good service…we live by it. We are passionate about our clients and their projects. We completely believe that personal service is the best added value we can provide. Designing and building a home takes a long term commitment to good communication. We understand it, respect it and live by it…remember our credo: “It’s all about the client!”